Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hot Chocolate Sticks - The Injesting

Here they are, hot chocolate sticks fresh out of the fridge!
They all came out of the pan quite easily once I realized that I wouldn't pull out the stick by being rough with them. The marshmallows all stayed stuck on too!
Here are my supplies for the beverage: hot chocolate stick, mug, purchased almond milk, and homemade almond milk. I used the homemade almond milk so that there would be more chocolate flavors and not the processed flavors though I'm sure either would be delicious!

It's melting.......
Done! Delicious! Both Luke and I loved it! Very chocolaty flavored and it got all frothy on its own with just the stirring! Next time I'm going to try it with higher quality chocolate and maybe mix in some cinnamon and cardamom with the batter!

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