Friday, May 22, 2009

Post Numero Uno. Your Welcome.

This is the beginning of our soon-to-be flourishing botanical garden - keeping our tomatoes and pepper plants warm with some old soda and orange juice bottles. Hooray for re-purposing! So far we've planted pumpkins, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeƱos, chili peppers, garlic, tomatoes, red onions, russet potatoes, yukon gold potatoes, corn, green beans, peas, watermelons, squash, zucchini, shallots, radishes, and we already have rhubarb and raspberries from last year growing. Also, today we put up a fence of chicken wire to keep out the rabbits and squirrels that have just assassinated a cucumber vine!

This is the picnic table I built about 2 weeks ago that we just finished staining yesterday evening. Interesting thing about that - Char and I wanted to get it done so badly on Wednesday night, but the sun said "I'm not going to help!" and left. So we broke out our propane lantern and stained it by lantern light - BOOYA. You can see our raspberry plant already big and healthy - we expect to get at least 35 berries this year! Also to the right you can see some baby pumpkin vines keeping cozy and humid underneath an old milk jug. GROW! GROW!

Charlene complained at how big her legs look in this picture, I just think they look like that because they're pale... both the Anderson children have noodles for extremities (thanks to Eugene) - so, no, your legs aren't fat Char. Anyways, here we are doing what we always do with a free day - not acting like it's a free day and working our hind-quarters off in the yard to get anything and everything done as if tomorrow our lives are going to be graded, did I mention that I love being married? But seriously, I really do like how much gets done in our life with Charlene around, but Charlene is lucky to have my muscles around - we need a picture of those in here...

Here we are re-purposing the junk we found left in the dump-like looking corner of our yard by the last people that lived here by turning the random chunks of concrete into a patio. Going green is not, I repeat, not easy.

This used to be a giant heap of ugliness - now there is order, and the German sides of Charlene and myself give sighs of relief.

Now it is the Sabbath and we will gladly rest from our work!


  1. I just wanted to say that I really LOVE reading blogs, especially blogs written by people I love and really care about. You both are some of the coolest youngsters I know. Keeping up with Luke & Charlene just got a whole heck of a lot easier! Love ya both!
    -Ben, hacking into Mom's account.

  2. I'm on board!!!! Hugs and love from Minnesota!
