Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July + New Camera = ehhhh..

So, it was the fourth of July and we decided, since we had the night off, to go and see the fireworks! MSUM has some pretty decent fireworks I guess. I decided to try and photograph them with my new camera using Charlene's tripod. They turned out ok. I still need to figure out how to do it the right way - however Luke only knows the amateur way. So check 'em out!

I liked this picture because of the little guy blooming inside of the old fading explosion.

This is your classic single firework - I think this was the best one of those kind.

And this one is the finale picture that I liked the best - it looks like there's a white star firework amidst a red and blue blooming explosion. Pretty neat I'd say. Well, I need to go watch some Heroes with my babe. Ciau!

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